Major Works
- God knows I tried (1998)
- All Night Long (1997)
- Do The Rump (1997)
- Most Thing Haven’t Work Out (1997)
- Sad Days, Lonely Nights (1993)
David “Junior” Kimbrough: A Biography
by Furel Chandler (SHS)

Furel Chandler (SHS Researcher)
Junior Kimbrough was born in Hudsonville, Mississippi, July 28 1930, and that is where he learned to play guitar. When Junior was small, his eldest sister babysat with him, and they played with little guitars. He had lots of friends that he taught to play. He had white boys to come over and play along with him. In 1968, he released his first single, “Tramp”, for the local Philwood label. Kimbrough record a single “Keep your Hand off Her,” for High Water. His single “All Night Long” was able to get on a recording of various artists called Compilation National Down Home Festival, vol.2, which was released on Southland Records. (“Junior Kimbrough: Bio”)
In the 1970’s and 1980’s, he performed at many juke joints in the state of Mississippi. Robert Palmer discovered Junior Kimbrough in the late 80’s and featured Kimbrough as a deep-blues singer. In 1992, he signed with Fat Possum and that is when he released his first full-length album, called All Night Long. The record was a very big hit. The record was acclaimed by the mainstream publications as was the film Deep Blues, which featured Kimbrough. (Junior Kimbrough: Bio”)
Junior Kimbrough wasn’t from the Delta but from Northeast Mississippi. He played in Europe, especially in England, but came home to play in the Delta. He died at the age of 67 on January 17, 1998, of a heart attack. Kimbrough left thirty-six children and his wife Mildred Washington.
- 1930 or ’31 – He was born in Hudsonville, Mississippi.
- 1968- He released first single
- 1992- Signed with Fat Possum
- 1997- All Night Long hit stores
- 1997- Do The Rump
- 1997- Most Thinking Haven’t Worked Out
- 1998- The biggest hit of all “God Knows I Tried”
- 1998-Died in Holly Springs, Mississippi
Related Websites
- Mississippi master shines on new album, All Night Long, says Nicky Baxter in The Blues According to Junior Kimbrough
- The Long Life and Short Fame of Bluesman Junior Kimbrough (Mother Jones, 2010)
- Junior Kimbrough Runs the Voodoo Down (PerfectSoundForever, 2000)
- “Jr Kimbrough”. Online. 6 May, 1999. Available
- Living Blues Magazine
- “The Bio Of Jr Kimbrough”. Online. 6 May, 1999